with Drake



A few of the reasons Drake could not try a bite of his dinner

“It’s too hot. Or maybe it’s too cold. I don’t really know.”
“It’s too yucky.”
“It’s poisoned.” 
“It’s too delicious.”
“It’s too crazy.” (In that case, he was speaking about plain, buttered noodles.)
“It’s too noodly.” (Again, the noodles.)
“It’s too much saucy.” (About the spaghetti sauce, which I put “on the side” at his request.)
“I might not like it.”
“I might like it too much.”
“There is a saucy piece on my fork.”
In the end, he took one small bite. And, he did not freak out about the presence of something new (raw green bean) on his plate. Generally, he was cheerful at the table. And no gagging! So, progress. Sigh.