with Drake



Drake, playing Memory with Mommy

Conversation with Drake, after trying hard to help him win at the matching game (‘Memory,’ you fellow moms!), to puzzling results–Drake turns over many cards, gives me many meaningful looks, but doesn’t manage to collect any matching pairs himself.
Me: Drake, are you too tired for the matching game, Buddy? It’s taking us a long time to find matches tonight.
Drake: UGH. NO, but I’m just FRUSTRATED.
Me (thinking I’ve offended him because I noticed he was slow on picking up matches): Why so frustrated, my friend?
Drake: Because I keep TRYING and TRYING to help YOU WIN, but you aren’t getting ANY of my CLUES!!!
Me: Oh! Sorry, Buddy. I didn’t know you wanted me to win.
Drake, sighing: It’s ok, Mom. Just try to pay closer attention, OK?