with Drake



Overheard Conversation with Drake and a toy race car

Drake: Hey, red car. You can’t be bumping the other cars! It’s not nice and it’s against our family rules.
**I perk up and start listening when I hear the phrase I use so often to correct Drake**
Drake: I love you too much to let you have bad habits, my friend. And I love you too much to let you be unkind when I know you have a kind heart.
**I’m feeling like a fantastic parent because he clearly knows why he is sometimes corrected. He’s acting it out with his toys. It’s adorable.**
Drake: There are consequences when you do bad things.
**”Amen,” I think to myself.**
Drake: So, next time you bump another car, I’m going to punch you as hard as I can in your face. Okay, red car Buddy?
**Ummm, what?**