with Drake


Hey dude

Me: Hey, dude!
Drake: Mommy, do NOT call me “Dude.” Just call me Drake or Cap!
Me: Okay, Cap. Sorry.
Drake: It’s ok. Just don’t call me Dude. Because Dude is just my MIDDLE name.


Conversation with Captain America/Drake

Me, while pouring a bowl of cereal: Do you want milk in this, Cap?
Drake, in a whisper: Mommy, it’s me. It’s Drake!
Me: Drake! You aren’t Captain America anymore? 
Drake: No, Mommy. I’m still Cap, too. But I’m always your Drake Buddy.
Me: Ok. 
Drake: Ok. But Mommy, just call me Cap when we are with other people, ok?
Me: Ok, Buddy. Will do.


Public Service Announcement

The child formerly known as “Drake” no longer wishes to answer to that name. Hereafter, he prefers to be known as “Captain America.” “Cap” is also acceptable.
Thank you, that is all.


Conversation with Drake*

Drake, holding up a Hotwheels car: Mommy, this car is rich!
Me: Dude, what does “rich” mean?
Drake: I don’t know! What does it mean?
Me: It can mean having a lot of something, like having a lot of money.
Drake, after a long pause: Like SEVEN DOLLARS?!? Or lots of cake?!? 
Me: Um….yes.
(*Drake = Captain America. See previous status.)


Father's Day Conversation with Drake, while I struggled to make Netflix work

Drake: Mommy, just turn on my Avengers (cartoon version)!
Me: Sorry, babe, I can’t get it to work.
Drake: This kind of thing wouldn’t happen if Daddy were here right now.


Time to go potty

Me: ok, Drake, time to go potty!
Drake: I already went potty!
Me: You did? When?
Drake: Um, the other day…


Crazy Chicken Nugget

Conversation with Drake and Cousin Tacy (who is also three years old)
Drake: Crawl under me like a tunnel, Tacy!
Tacy: I’ll roll. (Tacy rolls, but is far too large to roll under Drake.)
Drake: Tacy, you don’t fit!
Tacy: I roll! (Tries again, still unsuccessful.)
Drake, giggling: Tacy! Tacy! You don’t fit! You are a crazy little chicken nugget!
Tacy, also giggling: Yeah! Crazy!


Drake, on compliments

Me: Hi, Drake. You sure are a handsome guy!
Drake: Thanks, Mommy. And you are as cute as mutton!
Me: Um, thanks Drake. (Sweet little lamb!)


Drake, on being awesome

Drake: Mommy, you are awesome!
Me: Thanks, buddy! You really think I’m awesome?
Drake: Well…uh… I’M awesome, and you’re friends with ME, so yeah. You’re kind of awesome.


Drake, on sleeping arrangements at our house

Adrian: Come on, Drake! Let’s go play in my room!
Drake, incredulously: Um, your room?
Adrian: Yeah, my room.
Drake: Don’t you mean MOMMY’s room?