with Drake


Built for Speed

Drake: Daddy, don’t eat me!!
Adrian : I’m not eating you. I’m kissing you!
Drake: But I’m not built for kissing. I’m built for SPEED!!


On Terms of Endearment

Drake: Daddy, you’re my favorite.
Adrian : Thanks, Buddy. You are my favorite, too.
Drake: I’mma call you my “Boo.”
Adrian: Um, ok….


After he played soccer in the yard

Me: Drake, did you have fun??
Drake, very serious: Mom, they don’t count “funs” in soccer.
Me: What do they count, Buddy?
Drake: Points, Mom. They count points.


The Froggy Day

While Drake gazes out the window at the mist over the river:
Drake: Mommy, it’s a froggy day!
Me: Yep, lots of fog.
Drake: No, lots of frogs! A froggy day! Ribbit, ribbit!


Like a Man!

Drake: I like Jace and Bella’s dad.
Me: You mean Pastor Kurt?
Drake: Yeah. Because he is nice. And he has a really big beard, like a MAN!!


Drake: Egalitarian

While we played with his Hotwheels cars:
Me: Drake, which of your cars is fastest?
Drake: They are all fast!
Me: Which has the best paint job?
Drake: All of them! They are fast!
Me: Which one is your favorite?
Drake: I like them all the same. They are race cars!
Me: You are very egalitarian, Drake.
Drake: No, Mommy. I’m very FAST!!


Drake on Sympathy

After I badly stubbed my toe:
Me: Ouch!! Just a second, Drake. Mommy hurt her foot.
Drake, who keeps walking without glancing back: Walk it off, Mom.


Don't interrupt.

Drake: (Mumbles something unintelligible.)
Me: What was that, Honey?
Drake: I’m not talking to you, Mom. I’m talking to myself. (Goes back to mumbling.)
Me: Oh, ok….are you excited for school today?
Drake, exasperated: Mommy, I’m trying to have a conversation, and you are distracting me. Please wait your turn.


Drake, on the dress code at our house

Drake: Mom, when will Aunt Destiny get here??
Me: In about an hour, Babe.
Drake: Ok! Aunt Destiny!!! (does a little dance) Wait! Will I have to put on pants when she gets here?
Me: What do you think? Should you?
Drake: Well, I supposed to wear pants when girls come over. So maybe. But Destiny is not a GIRL! She’s an AUNT! So it’s cool, I’ll just be naked.


Bedtime cuddles

Adrian, after reading bedtime stories: Ok, can I cuddle you for a while, since Mommy got to give you a bath?
Drake: No. Mommy always does the cuddle.
Adrian: But can I do it instead, just tonight?
Drake: Daddy, that’s ridiculous.