with Drake


Drake, about Adrian Miller

Drake: Mom, when you were gone last night, Daddy put me to bed without asking me and he didn’t even wait until a grown-up came home!
Me: Daddy is a grown-up, Buddy.
Drake, after a long pause: Well, kind of…


Drake and cookies

Drake: Me: Drake, I got you a cookie at the bakery. (I hand him a sugar cookie.)
Drake, in his best grown-up voice: Wow! Thanks for finally getting the right kind, Mom. You’re really improving!


Drake, on having risotto for dinner

Drake: I don’t like risotto.
Me: Do you know what risotto is?? How do you know you don’t like it?
Drake: No. I just know that it tastes too poopy.
Me: How do you know it tastes poopy? You have never eaten poop, have you?
Drake: Mom, there are some things boys just know.


Drake, about some new clothes I bought

Adrian: Is Mom going to look cute in her new clothes?
Drake: No! She is going to look AWESOME, just like a race car!!


Drake, while eating ice cream

Drake: Using my spoon was too complicated, Mom. Good thing I can just use my tongue!


Drake needs a checkup

Drake is coming down with what ails lots of cute NazKids this week. It is NOT the business.
Drake: Mom, can Doc McStuffins come over and give me a check-up?


Movie Review with Drake (Frozen)

Drake: It’s a pretty good movie. You know what would make it better? RACING!!



Me: Drake, do you want to go potty before we start the movie?
Drake, rolling his eyes: Mom, I already went potty once this morning. Let’s not get carried away.


Special Guy

Adrian: Drake, are you my special guy?
Drake: No, I’m Mommy’s special guy.
Adrian: Oh. Well, are you my buddy?
Drake: No, I’m Mommy’s buddy, too.
Adrian: Well, what can you be for Daddy?
Drake: Ummm…I could be your crocodile!!


After a morning of power struggle

Drake: Mom, you were very disobedient this morning.
Me: Really? I think you were pretty disobedient too, Buddy.
Drake: I still love you, though.
Me: I still love you too, Drake.